It’s the middle of November, 5:00 A.M., eighteen degrees, wind chill factor 6 degrees. I am 30 feet up in an old oak tree standing on a three by three platform. A lot of my friends think I’m crazy. But from my eyes, the orchestra is just warming up. With each minute that passes, different instruments start to play. As the sun hits the top of the trees, the birds begin to wake. As it eases down the trunk, I notice movement. Squirrels start to scamper about. Then the warm sun hits my face as I look across the pageantry of colored leaves with frost on their edges like tiny mirrors. I know, a hunter knows, that something this beautiful can only be made by God.
My grandfather was a hunter; my dad was a hunter so my brother and I are hunters. It’s something I have known since I was eight years old. All aspects of the outdoors are something I have grown to love. This passion was instilled in me for generations. Along with that has always been my faith in Christ who makes all these things possible. I cannot explain to people who do not hunt what it is that drives hunters. A whole day may pass without seeing a deer but the tranquility and peace I feel being one with God and nature, makes it a wonderful day. Whether drawing back my stick and string on a beautiful ten-point buck or sitting in a duck blind with a hot thermos of coffee and an old lab anxiously waiting for that first command, it is never just about the kill. I am proud to be a hunter and I am proud to be a Christian. My love of both inspired the idea to create these unique crosses. I hope they mean as much to you as they do to me. See you in the woods.
- Steve Sills
Designer and Hunter